College Directory
Human Resources
Registration/Financial Services BuildingBrighton Campus
Building: 6, Room: 301
Phone Number: 585-292-2048
Fax Number: 585-292-3843
Web Site: Human Resources
Staff Listing
Name | Phone # | |
Kieper, Tammy , Executive Director | 585-292-2114 | tkieper |
Nicholson, Winnie C., Assoc. Director, Employee & Labor Relations | 585-292-2116 | wnicholson1 |
Bureau, Suzanne E., Associate Director, Employee Benefits | 585-292-2113 | sbureau1 |
Clark Inman, Cynthia M. | 585-292-2110 | cclarkinman |
Davis, Chelsea L. | 585-292-2119 | cdavis066 |
DeLorenzo, Kimberlee | 585-292-2118 | kdelorenzo |
Elliott, James | 585-292-3022 | jelliott37 |
Gavigan, Cheryl | 585-292-2111 | cgavigan |
Jackson, Tameka L. | 585-292-2117 | tjackson30 |
Koehler, Cameron L | 585-292-2115 | ckoehler2 |
Nupp, Susan M. | 585-292-2106 | snupp |
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